Sunday, July 20, 2014

Review of IRON SKY


Science fiction, Nazis, politics, Sarah Palin, parody, comedy 2012.

In 2018, the American president (never named but an obvious parody of Sara Palin), hoping to boost her ratings before the next election, sends two astronauts to the moon.  One, JAMES WASHINGTON, is black and quite photogenic, which is no surprise because he's a male model. They land near the border of the far-side of the moon, and--wow--WASHINGTON finds an industrial city, a Fourth Reich built by Nazis when the Third Reich fell. The Nazis plan to conquer the Earth, but their computers, 1940's relics, don't help. When Washington shows them a smart phone and says he knows the president, KLAUS ADLER's eyes light up. Klaus, who wants to be the next Furhrer, 'Aryanizes' Washington (makes his skin color Caucasian) and takes him on a flying saucer to Earth to get more smart phones and also to enlist the aid of the president. Klaus' genetically compatible girlfriend, RENATE RICHTER, who had stowed away on the saucer, explains how the Nazis want nothing but love and peace and happiness for all. The president buys it, and the campaign proceeds. However, Washington is really pissed that he now looks white. Renate tells him he should be grateful, but she ends up learning a bit more about the Third Reich than expected. And this blonde Frauline, with Washington's help, can put quite a kink into Klaus Adler's plans...

Silly?  Of course.  This film has plotholes big enough to fly a dirigible through. In fact, they even show dirigibles in space. For a moment, the movie looked like it might be serious, but when you see the Sarah Palin lookalike, well played by Stephanie Paul (move over, Tina Fey), the satiric nature is obvious. Nazis, politics in general and Sara Palin in particular, and gullibility in general all get hit with well-deserved ridicule.

At times the pacing is similar to AIRPLANE where scenes pretty much abandon the plot in order to make a joke. This movie isn't as funny as Airplane, but it does have a lot of laughs and is easy viewing while you're working out.  I give it +++.  It will get your pulse up to at least a jog.

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