World War Two covert operations adventure with lots of dead
In this movie, Richard Burton and not-yet-senile Clint
Eastwood infiltrate a mountaintop Nazi fortress, get valuable information about
traitorous spies, and return to England.
Oh, and they kill Nazis. They're quite good at it (at
one point Clint dispatches a radio operator with such nonchalance, he seems
like a psychopath.) The Nazis shoot at the two heroes, throw bombs, kick them
and punch them--all with little or no effect. Between the two of them, Clint
and Richard jump into freezing water, go through a car crash, jump from one cable
car hundreds of feet in the air to another, and with all that happens,
literally the most severe injury they suffer is that Richard scrapes his hand
while closing a door. On the other hand, their bullets bring down Nazis with
amazing accuracy. Yeah, the unrealism is funny, but they're killing Nazis, so
it's exciting.
The plot is complex with lots of sudden shifts. It took a
couple of viewings to understand all that goes on, but it's worth figuring out.
Plausible - no. But lots of fun.
There are a couple of plot flaws (e.g climbing under a
bridge to place dynamite instead of putting in inconspicuously on the side),
but those are minor.
The music is stirring and memorable, though not too
This film still revs me up even after seeing it six times.
The phrase 'oldie but goodie certainly fits. It's a great adrenalin stimulator.
Without a doubt, it deserves +++++. It will raise your pulse as much as a
All comments welcome.
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