Sunday, September 9, 2012


Almost everyone wants to exercise more, but few have the will power. The trick is to make your workouts as pleasant as possible. Spending forty boring minutes in a dirty, hot garage is no fun, but if you put your treadmill or exercise bike in a comfortable room and watch an entertaining video, it's a lot easier. In particular, watching something you wouldn't otherwise make time for or that your partner objects to ("why are you wasting time on that crap"), makes the workout actually enjoyable.
Here are my own reactions to movies and TV series usually watched while on a stationary bike, and how effective they were helping me peddle. A movie might have a ridiculous plot, weak characterizations and poor acting, but if it keeps the pulse rate up, it's worth while for a workout, (though maybe not for anything else).
I'm not reviewing pornographic videos, but if that's what floats your boat - hey - go for it.
CAUTION: If you've never worked out, don't try to run at top speed for an hour on your first session. Start slow and get yourself accustomed to it. If you have risk factors for heart disease, check with your doctor first. If you don't know if you have risk factors, you probably haven't seen your doctor in too long, so make an appointment for a checkup.
I use a six point rating scale, but rarely use the lower three scores.

0 - gets your pulse up as much as a stagger
+ - gets your pulse up as much as a stroll
++ - gets your pulse up as much as a walk
+++ - gets your pulse up as much as a jog
++++ - gets your pulse up as much as a run
+++++- gets your pulse up as much as a sprint.

All feedback welcome, including your own suggestions for working out.

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