Comedy, John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, James Brown, Cab Calloway,
Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, and John Lee Hooker, John Candy, Carrie Fisher, Charles
Napier, Henry Gibson, rock and roll, R&B, 1980
The nun, Sister Mary Stigmata, is outraged. "No, no! I will not take your filthy stolen money!"
Jake says, "Well then... I guess you're really up Shit Creek," whereupon the nun beats the crap out of the two of them with a yardstick.
The brothers are despondent. An old friend, CURTIS (Cab Calloway) suggests some 'churching' might help. There, in the middle of all the singing and dancing, a ray of light from above envelops Jake. The pastor (James Brown), shrieks, "HAVE YOU SEEEEN THE LIGHT?"
Jake says, "YES! YES! JESUS H. TAP-DANCING CHRIST... I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT!" and has an inspiration--reunite their old rhythm and blues band and earn the money with a concert.
Easier said than done. First they have to get the old band members to leave their straight jobs. One is maƮtre di at a posh restaurant. Jake goes in, takes a table, and, faking an Arabic accent, says to the man next to him, "Sell me your wife and daughters. I want to buy them." Soon, the former head waiter is back in the band. The others don't require such drastic measures.
During all this, the brothers manage to piss off state and local police ("Unnecessary violence HAS been approved in the apprehension of the Blues Brothers"), a redneck country-western band, neo-Nazis, a bar owner and assorted others. In addition, a mystery woman (Carrie Fisher) fires bazookas and flame throwers at them when she isn't painting her fingernails. But the brothers are "on a mission from God" and never quit.
Will the Blues Brothers survive? Get the $5,000? Evade the hoards of pursuers and bring the money in time to save the orphanage???
The brothers' extreme lack of planning for the future is outstanding. Of course, it's largely in fun. Largely, considering Belushi's history.
This is one of the most high energy films I can remember. Besides being wonderful satire and hilarious, the music and dancing from these stellar performers is bound to get you moving. This movie should get your pulse up to a sprint. I give it +++++.
There is a sequel, but it isn't nearly as good.
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