Sunday, February 24, 2013

Review of 'STAR WARS"

STAR WARS - Episodes 4-6.

Farm-boy Luke Skywalker becomes a Jedi and, with help from his friend, Han Solo, defeats the evil emperor and rehabilitates his father.

George Lucas has added so many phrases to our language.  "These aren’t the droids you're looking for."  "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope." And, of course, "Luke, I am you're father," (which in reality is a misquote, but let's not be picky."

There are a lot of flaws in the story. Some are small, like Han Solo using the word 'parsec' as a unit of time rather than distance, or the word 'droid,' short for 'android' to indicate non-humanoid robots. Giving these robots short designations like R2D2 or C3PO is ridiculous because you'd end up with tons of similar robots using the same 'name.' 

The worst is Obi Wan in episode four saying Darth Vader killed Luke's father, and then having to backtrack in episode six.  Alec Guiness pulls it off with perfect aplomb, but it remains obvious that Lucas thought up this plot twist after Episode four--A New Hope" - had been released.

Sigh - I still think of episode 4 as being the first one since it came out first. I'm showing my age.  And to me, this will always be the best of the series. It is a story of pure goodness and innocence against pure evil. Yes, such two dimensional characterization is unrealistic, but it can also be very entertaining. In episode we see that Darth Vader takes orders and also has a vulnerable looking skull.  He just isn't as scary.  Then Luke loses his hand and finds out…

The music is stirring and memorable, though it might be so easy to remember because I've heard it so many times.

How many times have we all seen this?  It doesn't matter.  For a workout, it still excites.  I give it +++++ - it will get your pulse up to a sprint. Let me know what you think.

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